GroundSplatPink 2014

GroundSplatPink 2014

GroundSplatPink 2014 Paintings with text, first exhibited at Katzman Contemporary in February of 2014. Artist Statement: Paint can be put on a canvas in many ways: tenderly, brutally, sensually, or just plain ugly.1  And finally, squeezed in at the top of the canvas...
Monochrome works (full suite)

Monochrome works (full suite)

Monochrome works (full suite) This series encompasses both works on aluminum and works on wood. Both oil paint and flasche are employed in the paintings and are noted on the individual works. They are various sizes, noted as well on the individual work.  (The works on...


Lure Lure is a set of 4 paintings and 4 prints which also exists as a catalogue / artist book.Also produced as  artist book, entitled Lure. clay_lure_01_bwconcentric clay_lure_02_checks clay_lure_03_plus clay_lure_04_stripes clay_lure_05_orngblk...
Painting with Voices

Painting with Voices

Painting with Voices Small scale labyrinth painting. Oil on canvas, 1989. clay_pvw_01_bw_concentric clay_lure_02_checks clay_pvw_03_green_quarters clay_pvw_04_yellow_quarters clay_pvw_05_yellow_installation clay_pvw_06_purple_quarters clay_pvw_07_blackC...
I Can’t Stand Chaos

I Can’t Stand Chaos

I Can’t Stand Chaos oil on panel, each panel 12″ x 12″, 8 panels in total (total measurement 51 x 5 approx) clay_cantstandchaos_01...